Maintain Tasks

ConvallisCRM gives you the ability to set tasks for a contact and also assign which user needs to do that task. 

  1. From the menu, select CRM > Find a contact.
  2. Select a contact.
  3. In the Tasks box, click Add or select a task from the list
  4. Select a date that the task must be completed by.
  5. Select a task type.
  6. Select a user for the task.
  7. Input a summary and description.
  8. If the task is part complete, you can change the % complete box, or if it is complete, tick the Complete box.
  9. Click Save

You can view all the tasks for the selected user by clicking View in the Tasks box or all the tasks for every user by selecting CRM > View current tasks from the menu.

Maintain Tasks Screenshots:

Add Task box:

Add task box 

Edit Task box:

Edit Task box