Maintain Products
Video Tutorial
You can't have an online shop if you don't have any products. Using ConvallisCMS adding your products and displaying them on your website is a simple process. This tutorial will guide you through this process.
- From the administration screen, select Sales > Products from the menu.
- To create a new product, click Add new product on the products page.
- Input a product code then fill in all the other details.
- Select categories for the product to appear in*.
- Tick the Active box to have the product display in your shop.
- Tick the Display on Home box to have the product on your shop home page (Optional).
- Click Save.
*To assign a product to a category, you must set up a product category first. A product may be assigned to multiple categories.
After saving your product, you will be able to add images to it. Follow the steps below.
- Click Add new Image.
- Give it a title.
- Choose the file for the large image (Displayed on the View Product Page) and the file for the thumbnail image (Displayed on Product list).
- Give it a description(Displayed as ALT text of the image).
- Tick the Default Image Box*.
Repeat the above steps to add more images.
*If the Default Image box is ticked that image will appear on the Product List (Only 1 image per product can be set as the default, the system will fix it so you only ever have one default).