Maintain Products

Video Tutorial

You can't have an online shop if you don't have any products. Using ConvallisCMS adding your products and displaying them on your website is a simple process. This tutorial will guide you through this process.

  1. From the administration screen, select SalesProducts from the menu.
  2. To create a new product, click Add new product on the products page.
  3. Input a product code then fill in all the other details.
  4. Select categories for the product to appear in*.
  5. Tick the Active box to have the product display in your shop.
  6. Tick the Display on Home box to have the product on your shop home page (Optional).
  7. Click Save.

Maintain Products Screen

*To assign a product to a category, you must set up a product category first. A product may be assigned to multiple categories.

After saving your product, you will be able to add images to it. Follow the steps below.

  1. Click Add new Image.
  2. Give it a title.
  3. Choose the file for the large image (Displayed on the View Product Page) and the file for the thumbnail image (Displayed on Product list).
  4. Give it a description(Displayed as ALT text of the image).
  5. Tick the Default Image Box*.

Maintain Product Images Screen

Repeat the above steps to add more images.
*If the Default Image box is ticked that image will appear on the Product List (Only 1 image per product can be set as the default, the system will fix it so you only ever have one default).