Tuesday, 04 September 2012
It's always been my ambition to reduce the amount of paper that we produce, for me the paperless office is more than just a pipe dream it's a goal that we should try to reach, albeit one that's probably impossible to attain. Here at Convallis Software we've done a reasonable job of reducing the paper that we produce, our printer is rarely used although I'd prefer to say never.
But it is difficult, when information needs to be shared at a meeting for instance, it can be a lot easier to print and take it along than to use digital means of dissemination. For many it's also a habit, a document is created, printed and then filed probably never to see the light of day again, why?
But even if we can reduce the paper produced in our offices, we have no control over that produced by other organisations and sent to us in the form of junk mail, bills, tax demands etc. Much of it gets a cursory glance and is then either shredded or put into the paper recycling pile, which we all do right? What a waste, at least it can be recycled.
So here are a few things that you can do to achieve a paperless office: