
WCF Data Services (0)

At Convallis we've been working with .Net 4 for some time and while WCF Data Services has been around (under a different name) since .Net 3.5 Sp1 we hadn't dabbled. However, while implementing a new feature for online ConvallisCRM which required a Silverlight component I decided to experiment with Data Services to provide the Web Services needed by the Silverlight component to exchange data with.

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Posted by Richard Isaac on Friday 01 October 2010
Tags: Database Silverlight The (dot)Net Framework

Silverlight Now (0)

A fairly new technology that has been around for a couple of years now and which I've followed with interest is Microsofts' Silverlight, I've written about it in this blog on more than one occasion. I've long believed that it has the potential to improve the users experience of web applications, in much the same way as Flash has done with rich media.

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Posted by Richard Isaac on Friday 30 April 2010
Tags: Silverlight

Light Relief (0)

When Microsoft first started talking about Silverlight I was immediately attracted to the idea of the technology. Partly because I think that a viable competitor to Flash is needed and partly because Silverlight applications are created using languages and tools that I'm already familiar with.

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Posted by Richard Isaac on Friday 01 January 2010
Tags: Silverlight