In previous posts I've talked about how we slowly evolve our software by taking advantage of advances in the platform that we write our code in (the .Net Framework). Last time I discussed the Entity Framework and why I decided to move us over to it's most recent release. This time I thought I'd write a little about ASP.Net MVC.
Last time, I wrote that I'd decided it was time to update our software and make use of technologies that have been more recently released than those we'd been working with over the past few years. One of those technologies is the Entity Framework.
Over the past few years we've steadily worked on our CRM and CMS software and have added new features and capabilities to it. However, while we were busy doing that the technologies that the software is built on was itself undergoing changes, some of which we made use of while others we chose to ignore. Fortunately those changes/enhancements usually maintain backwards compatibility with code that's already been written and so it rarely if ever breaks existing code.
In my last couple of posts I've been writing about a problem I encountered when I moved into the 64 bit world of computing, but still had to work with a 16 bit DOS program and analyse its reports.
In my last post I talked about a problem I had after I upgraded to 64 bit Windows and needed to archive a text based report output by an old DOS program which was now hosted in a virtual machine. I ended the post by giving an example of the report, which I replicate here: