As a business grows you will continue to encounter problems. In this article I hope to give you an idea of some of the problems that can be resolved by using a CRM.
In these challenging economic times we are all aware how important and cost effective it is to retain existing customers and build future loyalty when securing new business.
Over the past few years we've steadily worked on our CRM and CMS software and have added new features and capabilities to it. However, while we were busy doing that the technologies that the software is built on was itself undergoing changes, some of which we made use of while others we chose to ignore. Fortunately those changes/enhancements usually maintain backwards compatibility with code that's already been written and so it rarely if ever breaks existing code.
As a techie I confess that I hate marketing, but as a business man I understand the need for it and the value that it brings to a company. I hope that as time has progressed I've learned enough to get by. But it's a difficult dichotomy to live with and I struggle with it every day.