I came across this article earlier today: Why passwords have never been weaker and I urge you to read it. For anyone running a web site or a network its message is quite worrying, basically with the data and hardware available to them it has never been easier for a hacker to break a password. Any way you look at it that's bad news.
If you look at the headlines then it would seem that there's almost complete opposition to the changes that have been introduced with Microsofts new Operating System, Windows 8. I'm talking, of course, about the new touch focused Metro interface.
Things have moved on so quickly in the past couple of years that it's easy to forget that only a couple of years ago when it came to writing a Rich Internet Application Adobe Flash was king, with Microsoft's upstart Silverlight vying to make up ground. While at the same time the specification for HTML 5 was being developed and browser makers were starting to latch onto parts of the specification and include it in their offerings, and it was beginning to be hyped.